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3.80€ ttc/Mois
Hébergement Web Un hébergement web pas cher performant et de haute qualité sur des serveurs virtualisés.
Hébergeur Internet Hébergement Web Sur des serveurs privées virtuels Offres sans engagement Serveurs supervisés 24h/24
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Hébergeur Internet Serveur VPS Livraison Instantanée VPS sans engagement Sur mesure & extensible à tout moment
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Support Technique - Connection to your VPS

Connect to your VPS server

Managing a VPS server is done through the SSH protocol and SFTP
- SSH: Secure Shell; It is a communication protocol that allows you to send commands to your server, and to get back the result of the command
- SFTP SSH File Transfer Protocol; A file transfer protocol based on SSH

So the first one allows the command execution on your machine, and the second one to send or receive a file on your machine.

Among the tools available on the Internet, the ones we recommend in view of their simplicity are:
- Putty for SSH communication (
- WinSCP for file transfer via SFTP (

These two tools will ask you for the login credentials available in your customer panel. (The host / server requested by these softwares is the public IP address of your VPS)

To initiate an SSH connection:
1) Open Putty
2) Enter the IP address in the "Host Name" field
3) Press the "Open" button (or press the Enter key)
4) A window opens, you will be asked for the username. You will have to type at this time "root" which is the administrator user of your VPS server
5) A line break asks you for your user's password. This password is available in your customer panel, in the "Administration" section of your VPS
6) The welcome message is displayed